While we strive to make your source code control experience seamless and simple with Ivercy, there still are some limitations to this.
Access does not provide a way to export “Data and Misc Objects” (this includes tables, CommandBars, Database properties and VBA-Settings) as separate text files. This data can only be managed as one single binary file, which is essentially an otherwise empty Access Database file.
As this file basically is the Access database itself, it is very difficult to manage this file for version control while it is still open as the current database. So Ivercy has some sever limitations managing this file.
You cannot get the latest version of this file unless you recreate your whole project (Access Database) from the source code control repository.
Changes to your Access database, which affect the "Data and Misc Objects" will not be automatically detected by Ivercy, except for the table design. So if you intend to modify data, command bars, database properties or VBA-references, you need to make sure yourself, that you...
Get the latest version of this file (recreate the project) before editing it. - Unless you are absolutely sure you already got the latest version.
Check out this latest version explicitely.
Check in you changes as soon as possible, as you are finished with them.
As this is a binary file, diffing and merging this file will not work. The exact limitation will depend on the diff/merge-tool you use, but do not expect this to work properly with any tool. – This is not a limitation of Ivercy but a general problem with binary files.
We will try to improve Ivercy’s capabilities to handle the “Data & Misc Objects” in the future. But there is no roadmap when that will be nor do we have a clear idea how we will implement this yet.
Currently Ivercy does not have any integration into the VBA development environment. So Ivercy cannot detect the opening of objects in the VBA development environment. This affects the handling of Modules and Class modules (including Forms and Reports)
If you set the option CheckoutObjectsOnOpen to either Yes or Ask, this will have no effect when you open a Module. The module will be opened as expected, but Ivercy will neither check it out nor ask you about this.
The same applies to Forms and Reports, if you open their class module from within the VBA development environment and edit it there. It will neither be checked out nor will you be asked about it. – However, as soon as you switch back to the main Access window, Ivercy will detect the change in the Form/Report and handle it according to your settings.
It is a very high priority to enhance Ivercy and integrate into the VBA-IDE, but this feature will not be available in version 1.0 of Ivercy.
Currently Ivercy can only detect and handle the selection and deletion of a single object (Form, Report, etc.) in the Navigation Pane. If you select multiple objects at once and delete them, Ivercy will only be able to handle the delete for the first object in the selection.
This limitation does not exist anymore with version 1.1.